most american eat three meals

Most cultures in the world eat about every six hours with three main meals that correspond to breakfast, lunch and dinner – varying in how abudant each meal is. This customary habit was created initially as a response to our body’s need for proper continuous nutritional intake, a fundamental part of our metabolism’s function that allows us to carry out daily activities. But the three-meals-a-day phenomenon is also based on a social construct that is well-rooted in our culture. So let’s see how the habit of the three meals truly started and how it has changed over time.

The history of three meals a day

Going back through the history of food, we know that breakfast has been an absent meal for most. In ancient times, people usually ate one daily meal that was considered unique and abundant to any other time for eating. For example, the ancient Romans consumed only one meal around midday, considering it a healthy choice and the only one able to guarantee good digestion. The ancient Greeks, on the other hand, seem to have anticipated the future trend of three daily meals; they were the first to introduce the new concept of ‘breakfast.’ In fact, many of the ancient Greeks used to eat bread soaked in wine as soon as they woke up, probably a custom born from the need to soften stale bread. Then the day wore on and a frugal lunch would follow then a heartier meal later in the evening. Beyond the ancient Greeks, however, the ‘morning meal’ was not even contemplated for centuries. In the Middle Ages, for example, people were not allowed to eat before morning mass and dinner was the main meal. Although initially the concept of ‘breakfast’ was exclusive to the aristocratic class, the first meal of the day as we understand it now would not make its first real appearance until the 17th century, when the first breakfast rooms were also designed. During the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century, however, with its normalization of working hours, the habit of having both breakfast and lunch developed – as a pre-working meal plus a break at half-day, leading to current habit of three daily meals. At that time, the first "street food" spots near factories started up and mass-produced food became more common. Needless to say, in times of poverty and post-war times, rations were limited and so was the possibility of eating three meals. The definitive consecration of breakfast, lunch and dinner as eating habits and social rituals that were ultimately most favored in the 1950s, with the introduction of cereal and the invention of the toaster in the USA – sliced bread and instant coffee. Following the American model, the belief that breakfast was the main daily meal also started to spread in Europe.

Evolution of the custom to present day

Over the centuries, there have been many factors (from economic to religious), that have basically conditioned us to eat three meals a day – and there have also been many studies that have denied the importance of one meal rather over the other or studies that even propose alternative dietary models altogether. In more recent times, though, factors such as technology, trends, globalization and, of course, the growing development of the ‘fast food,’ ‘take away’ and ‘junk food,’ have led us to conditioning ourselves to a different pace of life with a different kind of diet. So these days, with the evident change in routine of most countries, Millennials are increasingly breaking the paradigm of the three-meals-a-day concept, fasting more and more with different eating timetables.