Từ điển Collocation
mother noun
ADJ. lone, single, unmarried She felt proud that she had raised four children as a lone mother. | widowed | biological, natural, real | surrogate (= bearing a child for sb else) | adoptive, foster, step-(also stepmother) | teenage, young | elderly, old | dead, deceased, late | good, excellent, loving, wonderful | proud the proud mother of the bride | doting, over-protective, possessive | stern, strict | dominant, domineering | bad, unfit The court decided she was an unfit mother. | anxious, distraught, frantic Her distraught mother had spent all night waiting by the phone. | expectant, pregnant (also mother-to-be (informal) | first-time | new | full-time | breast-feeding | sick caring for his sick mother
VERB + MOTHER resemble, take after The two boys were like their father in character, but Louise took after her mother. | inherit sth from She inherited the urge to travel from her mother.
Từ điển WordNet
n. the mother of three children necessity is the mother of invention v. She fusses over her husband Abraham begot Isaac Men often father children but don't recognize them
English Synonym and Antonym Dictionary
syn.: attend to breed bring about care for cause foster look after mama mind mom mommy nurse nurture originate produce watch